La Medea
premiered Jan 2017
A made-for-camera dance-musical and Latin-pop variety TV show inspired by Euripides' Greek tragedy. Presented simultaneously as a live performance, live-stream broadcast and feature film.
Directed by Yara Travieso
Music by Sam Crawford
Set Design by Brookhart Jonquil
Orpheus and Eurydice, 2012
In Collaboration with Yara Travieso and Chat Travieso
Lumber, hardware, satellite dish, continuous performance of aria from Monteverdi's L'Orfeo
Two towers personify Orpheus and Eurydice of greek myth, a live opera performer sings from Monteverdi's L'Orfeo with his back to the audience, as Orpheus's back was turned to Eurydice's as they ascended from the underworld. A Satellite dish bounces his voice to the audience across a distance, resulting in a surprisingly intimate experience.